
First of all, let’s see if you’re in the right place!


Do any of the following apply to you?


You just lack energy ✅

You have doubt around diets✅

You want actual education, not a fad ✅

Your health worries you ✅


If so, you’re not alone. Being healthy is the number one personal goal in the world and most are never happy with their physical appearance.

Intelligent Eating is aimed for people who want to understand not only what to eat, but also why.

It’s unbiased, and focuses on the best available evidence, not the latest shiny headline.

You’re given the gift of clarity, a welcome gift after a lifetime of confusion.

And it lasts a lifetime, not for the duration of the programme.


Intelligent Eating is different.
And it is devastastingly effective.
You’ve got 3 options detailed here

You want to get your health in order and you want a sharp dollop of education, support, and accountability.

Alright, then this is for you.

It’s a 14 day programme comprised of the following…

– Education about food

– How foods truly affects you

– Practical solutions

– Straight facts (not opinion)

– Access to me, lots. 

– A knowledge check to see what you really need, plug the gaps!

– And results!

This is for you if you want to get yourself into the top 10% physically and mentally.


You’ll have an edge over 90% of people, regardless of genetics or otherwise. 

It’s aimed at weight loss.

Cost $197 

You want to get your health in order and you want to make some longer term changes and be supported for 6 weeks.


I’ve got you covered.


You get everything as before, but we go deeper, with a lot more support, accountability and really deep dive into your lifestyle and what makes you, you.


See this as a fresh start, a reboot as such.


It’s not just ‘a longer programme’ in fact it covers a lot more topics such as:

-eating out

-ordering in

-psychology behind food choices

-reasons why your problems exist


And a lot of solution orientated material.

We communicate, enough that you feel in control but never overwhelmed.

This will set you up for life with respect to maintaining a healthy weight, that’s for sure.

The one year follow up success is >90%. 

Cost $997


But let’s say you’ve been hit with a horrid diagnosis of a chronic disease.

You’ll need this ultimately.

We cover everything, from food to sleep to lifestyle to drinks to trauma to medications and interfacing with the medical profession.

It’s serious stuff and it’s important. This is the package that can add a decade your life but also, perhaps a decade of quality life years. That’s important, really important. 


Everything in the other programmes is covered; this typically lasts 3 months although it might be longer for numerous reasons.

Often we’ll look at blood work, perhaps do a before and after of that and create a complete action plan so that you are in the best possible health.

Not only is this life changing, in many cases it is life saving, and that’s written with full intent because that has been the outcome many times. 


With respect to cost it’s based on duration and intervention needs.


It’s a conversation



All of these are personal services. If you simply want a DIY course, feel free to grab the $9 course


If you’d like to find out more it’s best to get in touch and discuss your situation.

There is no charge for a conversation or to review your situation.

I welcome email, [email protected] or you may contact me via telephone +44 7751 074 808 .


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